by March 4, 2022 in Commercials, TV, Video
Looking to capture the essence of family fun dining, we wrote a script for the commercial and then put a call out for local talent through I Love the Burg, casting people of all age ranges and walks of life.
Upon release, people were so excited to see their friends and family on social media and TV that they shared across Facebook, telling everyone to keep an eye out for their loved ones on the local cable channels. Every spotting would become another social media post, encouraging interaction and engagement around the BellaBrava experience. The video received almost 40 thousand views and hundreds of engagements through Facebook. The commercial resulted in a summer for BellaBrava that was as busy as high season!
The feedback was great in general, but this comment in particular shows the direction paid off, “Like that you feature kids – so many local places have become so anti-kids, glad to see you guys embracing them.”
With that success, we also repeated the effort for sister restaurant, Stillwaters Tavern.